Soil Investigation Survey, Topography, and Geolistric Groundwater In Development Lumpur Sidoarjo Island

Sidoarjo mud island is an artificial island with an area of ​​about 93.34 hectares originating from the dredging of the Kali Porong-Sidoarjo estuary in 2012. The current status of the land on the Sidoarjo mud island is State Property (BMN) of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries based on the approval of the Minister of Finance Number: S-15 / MK.6 / WKN.10 / 2016 regarding the transfer of status of BMN to BPLS to KKP and Minutes of Handover Receive the transfer of status of use of BMN from the Sidoarjo Mud Management Agency (Bapel-BPLS) Number: INV. 02/07/2017 and Number: 53 / SJ / PL.930 / I / 2017 dated 20 January 2017

In order to determine the carrying capacity and the need for engineering planning for the future development of Sidoarjo Mud Island, several surveys need to be carried out, including:

1). soil survey,

2) topographic survey, and

3) groundwater geoelectric survey

4) hydro-oceanographic survey. From some of the survey needs, this activity is more prioritized on conducting soil survey, topography and groundwater geoelectric surveys.

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